Key Combinations

From wikiPodLinux

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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Generations

  • Reboot iPod: Hold down the menu and play buttons.
  • Disk Mode: Immediately hold down the rewind and fast forward buttons as the iPod reboots. 1
  • Diagnostic Mode: Hold Rewind, Fast Forward, and Select buttons as the iPod reboots.
  • Non-default Firmware (only when the old ipodloader is installed): Hold Rewind after rebooting the iPod

Mini, 4th, Photo, Nano, and 5G Generations

  • Reboot iPod: Hold down the Menu and Select buttons.
  • Disk Mode: Immediately hold down the Play and Select buttons as the iPod reboots. 1
  • Diagnostic Mode: Hold Rewind and Select buttons as the iPod reboots.
  • Non-default Firmware (only when the old ipodloader is installed): Hold Rewind after rebooting the iPod. (Alternatively, switch the hold switch to 'lock position' after rebooting)

The Select button is the one in the Center of the click/scroll wheel.

1 To reach disk mode, connect the iPod to your PC/Mac before starting. Then press and hold the 'Reboot iPod' combination above until the iPod reboots (you'll notice a change on the screen). Quickly move your hand so you are now holding the 'Disk Mode' combination above. You have to do this before the apple logo comes back (or perhaps within 1 second afterwards).



Or see here for an other handy picture (


Reboot iPod

Forces a power cycle. Use this whenever your iPod freezes, or if you want to switch between iPodLinux and Apple's firmware.

Important: Do not reboot the iPod while it says do not disconnect, because that might have the bad effect that the modifications you made from your PC to the iPod might get lost. Make sure you eject the iPod so that it says ready to disconnect before you reboot it!
Also, do not reboot your iPod while it's booting for the first time after a firmware update (using the Apple updater). This will abort the ROM flashing, and WILL RENDER YOUR iPod USELESS. (Anyway, it seems to be a last resort in order to get IPOD to work once again if you did reboot while doing the firmware update. Download the HP USB DISK STORAGE FORMAT TOOL, restart the IPOD on Disk mode, run the HP USB DISK STORAGE FORMAT TOOL, try to format it and it won't allow you, instead, it will ask you wether you want to run the IPOD UPDATER utility or to cancel, select to run the IPOD UPDATER and it will fix the IPOD hopefully).

See also this Apple support document on resetting the iPod (

Disk Mode

Forces the iPod to wait for a Firewire/USB connection to a computer. If your iPod will not boot up, you can boot into Disk Mode and reload Apple's firmware.

See also this Apple support document on disk mode (

Diagnostic Mode

Presents a menu of diagnostic utilities to check your iPod's hardware. Use this menu to check if your iPod is working properly. Note the wheel doesn't work on older generations - you have to use the forward and rewind buttons to move around the menu. For more information see this iPoding article on diagnostic mode ( or this other article ( iPodlounge has an article on the photo's diagnostic mode (

Non-default Firmware

This is used to boot into the other non-default firmware after installing iPodLinux.

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