
From wikiPodLinux

The best way to show your appreciation for the project is to make a donation. Funds are used to purchase newer iPods for the development team to port linux onto. Your contributions will help iPodLinux keep up with Apple's new releases.

Donations can be made via the PayPal system by following the "Make a Donation" button below.

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Hardware such as broken iPods and iPod parts are useful for reverse engineering and debugging. Additionally, if you have an iPod accessory that you would like iPodlinux to support, please consider contributing one to the project. Send an email to ( to arrange shipping details.

Thank you very much to the kind individuals who have made contributions!

The History of fox base web site ( is being managed by our great fellow Eric den Doop, running in a server located in The Netherlands.

Thanks also to our Sponsors who have donated hardware or services to the project.

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