Seshan Ravikumar

aka. Seshpenguin

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title: I’m Still Alive! (plus some updates) author: Seshan Ravikumar type: post date: 2019-02-12T21:52:07+00:00 url: /2019/02/12/im-still-alive-plus-some-updates/ categories:

Hey everyone! It’s been a little while since the last blog post so I feel I should just pop in to say hi. Hi!

Nothing too interesting has happened since, but there are a couple of note worthy things:

But yea, that’s pretty much it. I started semester 2 in school that is quite a bit lighter compared to the last one, so I’ll have all the time to do all the stuff and things. That is, of course, until Grade 12 later into the year. That’s probably going to go straight to disaster status real quick when that comes around.

That’s pretty much it! As always, see you next time!