aka. Seshpenguin
title: Direct Post Access author: Seshan Ravikumar type: post date: 2018-11-13T19:10:09+00:00 url: /2018/11/13/direct-post-access/ categories:
May 2019 Update: This blog post was on my old, custom blog system. Now that I got bored of it, we have a new blog systems.
Just keep in mind that this post no longer reflects how the blog works nowadays.
Quick update to the website… More ASP!!! If you ever wanted a direct link to a blog post, or you hate reading these posts in a collapsible, this is just for you!
You can now click the Direct link to get a full page of the post, or enter the post’s id into the form at the top of the page.
The implementation was simple, basically a page that takes the id from the URL and then displays the corresponding post.
I promise there will be more interesting posts later… maybe…